Inspiration Report – The Third Space

For my inspiration report, I chose to explore global topics to satisfy competency O. There are so many options, of course, but I remembered feeling especially inspired by the idea of third places while traversing the resources available in module 8. This was an interesting topic for me, particularly because we are currently reconsidering our policies and approaches at my library, and we are preparing for a renovation as well. It’s an exciting time to at our library, and I’m always looking for inspiration!

In this report I am imagining that library staff and school leadership could use this resource to learn more about the ideas behind some of the changes that we hope to make (and for which we will need approval and support). Our library has historically been quite traditional in that it has mostly been prioritized as book storage (my phrasing, not theirs) and as a quiet study space. Our other librarian and I have been making some changes this year, and we look forward to making many more. Already our library is more active, even vibrant at times. I am excited to see what kind of third places we can nurture into existence over the next few years.

Please see this Canva presentation for my inspiration report.

4 thoughts on “Inspiration Report – The Third Space”

  1. @emyer Beautiful presentation! I really enjoyed learning more about the teen space in Singapore. I think it is a very cool idea to look globally for ideas to inspire new spaces locally!

    1. @tinawolk Thank you so much for the kind feedback! We really need some inspiration at my library, so I am hoping that looking at innovative examples from around the world will help us make a better space for our kids.

  2. Hi @emyer,

    Great presentation! Your working definition for “third spaces” is much more comprehensive than anything I’ve encountered, and definitely offers food for thought, as far as offering such spaces in library settings. Also, the teen space you describe in Singapore is especially inspiring! Here’s hoping our libraries can continue innovating, and offering the third spaces our culture absolutely needs.

    1. Thank you so much, Taylor! That’s so kind! I really enjoyed reading about the idea of a third place. I think being intentional about creating that kind of welcoming space would really help our library!

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